Stand-Up Paddle Board Booking Page

Welcome to stand-up-paddle board booking page. If you find the online booking process complicated, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone.

Our stand- up paddle boards are made by brands such as: iRocker, Level Six, Jimmy Styks, JP Young, BluWave, BodyGlove, Surftech, Bic Acs, Dawn Patrol, Fanatric Fly and Naish (Hybrid tandem SUP includes two of everything, and has a weight capacity of 500lb. Multi-Person SUP includes 4 paddles, and has a weight capacity of 1,000lb



DEAR CUSTOMERS! Please note that we are currently preparing for our launch and are not yet operational. We estimate that our website will be fully functional starting in Winter 2023. Please don't book! Thank you for your interest in our company, and we look forward to sharing our progress with you.
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